Bidra till den årliga europeiska undersökningen kring KT-aktiviteter och resultat

Var med och bidra till ASTPs årliga undersökning över KT-aktiviteter och resultat. Med den översikt och benchmarkinginformation som denna Europaomfattande undersökning och resulterande rapport ger, kommer du att kunna jämföra din egen organisations aktiviteter och resultat med dina europeiska kollegor. För att ge en representativ översikt över europeiska KTO:er är det viktigt att samla in data från så många europeiska länder och så många KTO:er som möjligt. Lämna ditt bidrag idag!

Uppgifterna relaterade till räkenskapsåret 2020 (FY2020) kan lämnas online fram till den 4 mars 2022. 

Totalt 519 KTO:er från 23 länder svarade på undersökningen förra året, vilket slog tidigare rekord. Hela rapporten håller fortfarande på att färdigställas och kommer att publiceras så snart den är klar. 

Läs mer om hur du gör för att besvara undersökningen nedan.

How to participate in this survey?

Data are to be submitted online following this link with received log in details:

Without log in details, you can access the survey here: ASTP-Survey-on-KT-Activities-FY2020-withoutlogin

Login details

By now, you should have received an invitation email from ASTP, which contains your login details. By logging in, your previously submitted contact information will already be prefilled, please verify and update accordingly. You can also use your login details to revisit the survey without losing entered data.

If you did not receive an invitation email with your login details, please contact
or access the survey via this link ASTP-Survey-on-KT-Activities-FY2020-withoutlogin

Save and continue later

You may not have the data to answer certain questions nor the time to look them up immediately. To avoid losing entered data, you can save your progress and revisit it later to complete. Click the 'save and continue' button at the top of each survey page, supply an email address and a unique link will be emailed to you. When you are ready to continue, simply click on the link in the email to return where you left off. If you do not receive the confirmation email within a few minutes and cannot find it in your spam folders, please contact .

Prepare your data in advance

Download the survey questionnaire in pdf to view the questions and prepare the data in advance before beginning the survey online. Please enter the following password to view the file and download the file: ASTPsurvey! 

Data must only be submitted online via the link provided above.

Why participate in this survey?

With the overview and benchmarking information that this Europe-wide survey and resulting report provides, you will be able to compare your own organisation’s activities and output to your European peers and influence your institutional, national and European knowledge and technology transfer (or even research) funding strategies. 

Will your data be publicly available?

All data provided will be solely handled by the Survey Committee Members with special care, the ASTP Survey Report will only provide anonymous and aggregate figures. 

We will not publish data that can be traced to an individual organisation unless permission to do so is explicitly given in the survey form.

Do you need any assistance?

For any matters concerning the survey, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach Doreen van Acken at or general questions can be send to

Spaning från omvärldsbevakningskommittén: Missionsorienterat arbetssätt